Speaking to Power: Feminist/Gender Theories and Praxes Conference 2020
The University of Toronto Women and Gender Studies Graduate Student Union
Conference Link (Registration Not Required)
DAY 1 Thursday 15 October 2020 (EST)
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Attend online
10:00 AM Welcome from Binta Bajaha, U of T Women and Gender Studies Graduate Student Union
10:10 AM Opening Remarks from Professor Emerita M. Jacqui Alexander
10:40 AM Keynote from Dr. Cathy Schlund-Vials (University of Texas - Austin)
The Relevance and Resonance of Audre Lorde’s Demolition Project
Session Chair: Dr. Robert Diaz (Univeristy of Toronto)
Session Chair: Dr. Robert Diaz (Univeristy of Toronto)
Moderator: Binta Bajaha (WGSGSU)
11:25 AM Q&A
11:35 AM Break
11:45 AM Graduate Talks - Group 1
Global Gender Formations
Session Chair: Dr. June Larkin (University of Toronto)
Moderator: Darlyne Bautista (WGSGSU)
African-Ish: Examining the Parentage and Academic Success
of Second-Generation African Males in Canada
Kevin Ofoegbune, University of Toronto
Fighting the good fight or how Black women daily resist and
oppose negative stereotypes in Europe
Jessica Nogueira Varela, Central European University
“I am not a grave-digger” – Bolsonaro’s Toxic Discourses
Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic
Vanbasten de Araujo, University of Toronto
Vanbasten de Araujo, University of Toronto
12:25 PM Q&A
12:35 PM Break
12:40 PM Graduate Talks - Group 2
On Shame
Session Chair: Dr. Nicole Charles (University of Toronto)
Moderator: Binta Bajaha (WGSGSU)
Viral Racists: The Politics of Shame in Anti-Racist Activism
Hale Doguoglu, Western University
Unmasking Shame
Dorothy Attakora-Gyan, University of Ottawa
13:10 PM Q&A
13:20 PM Closing Remarks from Binta Bajaha, U of T Women and Gender Studies Graduate Student Union
DAY 2 Friday 16 October 2020 (EST)
Attend online
Attend online
12:00 PM Welcome from Binta Bajaha, U of T Women and Gender Studies Graduate Student Union
12:10 PM Opening Remarks from Dr. Alissa Trotz, Director or U of T Women and Gender Studies Institute
12:20 PM Keynote from Dr. Anjali Arondekar (University of California, Santa Cruz)
Abundance, Sexuality, Historiography, Geopolitics
Session Chair: Dr. Robert Diaz (Univeristy of Toronto)
Moderator: Ferdie Lopez (WGSGSU)13:05 OM Q&A
13:20 PM Break
13: 25 PM Graduate Talks - Group 1
Politics of Memorialization - Remembering and Critiquing the Archive
Session Chair: Dr. Marieme Lo (University of Toronto)
Moderator: Sam Sanchinel (WGSGSU)
Supporting War Efforts:
Women, Violence, and Agency in the Nigeria-Biafra War
Women, Violence, and Agency in the Nigeria-Biafra War
Taiwo Bello, University of Toronto
Revisioning ‘The Visionaries’: A Critical Pedagogy of Place, Settler Implication, and Modes of Selected Remembrance & Erasure on Papaschase Cree Land (University of Alberta campus)
Margaret-Anne Murphy, University of Alberta
13:55 PM Q&A
14:05 PM Graduate Talks - Group 2
Queer Performances
Session Chair: Dr. Cassandra Lord (University of Toronto - Mississauga)
Moderator: (WGSGSU)
Dancing with Guns:
Military History and Queer Identity in a Performance Art Community
Military History and Queer Identity in a Performance Art Community
Emily Yraceburu, Claremont Graduate University
Queer theorizing through theatre performance within the Iranian closet
Fatemeh Gharibi, York University
14:35 PM Q&A
14:45 PM Break
14:50 PM Graduate Talks - Group 3
Session Chair: Dr. Dina Georgis (University of Toronto)
Moderator: Sam Sanchinel (WGSGSU)
The Affect of Nina Kraviz
Stacey Murchison, York University
A Nostalgic Vision of the Future: Undoing Temporalities and
the Visual Re-construction of the American Liberal Fantasy
the Visual Re-construction of the American Liberal Fantasy
Maisea Bailey, Dartmouth College
15:20 PM Q&A
15:30 PM Break
15:35 PM Graduate Talks - Group 4
Radical Engagements with Music
Session Chair: Dr. Casey Mecija (York University)
Moderator: Binta Bajaha (WGSGSU)
Rebel Redux: Cold War Rebellion, the Voices of Girls, and the Music of the Shangri-Las
Emmalouise St. Amand, University of Rochester
Meh Just Realize I’s Ah Coolie Bai:
IndoCaribbean Masculinities, Chutney Erotics, and Qoolie Potentials
IndoCaribbean Masculinities, Chutney Erotics, and Qoolie Potentials
Ryan Persadie, University of Toronto
Moving the Academy to Hip Hop Music:
Rethinking Canadian Universities with Black Radical Traditions
Rethinking Canadian Universities with Black Radical Traditions
Maya Stitski, Queen’s University
16:15 PM Q&A
16:25 PM Closing Remarks from Ferdie Lopez, U of T Women and Gender Studies Graduate Student Union
DAY 3Saturday 17 October 2020 (EST)
Attend online
Attend online
10:00 AM Welcome from Sam Sanchinel, U of T Women and Gender Studies Graduate Student Union
10:10 AM Keynote from Dr. Setsu Shigematsu (University of California, Riverside)
Genealogies of Violence as Feminist Praxis
Session Chair: Ferdie Lopez (WGSGSU) Moderator: Sam Sanchinel (WGSGSU)
10:55 AM Q&A
11:10 AM Break
11:15 AM Graduate Talks - Group 1
Art Activism
Session Chair: Dr. Karyn Recollet (University of Toronto)
Moderator: Esra Kazanbas (WGSGSU)
From feminist resistance in the domestic space to feminist art-activism:
Armenian women’s resistance against gender inequality and gendered violence
Armenian women’s resistance against gender inequality and gendered violence
Lala Mouradian, Concordia University
Feminism Performed: How one collective in Chile created a global movement
Stefania Saiva, OCAD University
11:45 AM Q&A
11:55 AM Break
12:00 PM Graduate Talks - Group 2
Feminist Legal Interventions
Session Chair: Dr. Victoria Tahemasebi-Birgani (University of Toronto- Mississauga)
Moderator: Esra Kazanbas (WGSGSU)
What Happens When Legal Institutions Fail Survivors of Sexual Assault?
Morsal Hameidi, University of Ottawa
The Impact of Supreme Court Judicial Decisions and Feminist Scholarship on Sexual Assault Legislation
Shauna Hughey, University of Guelph
12:30 PM Q&A
12:40 PM Break
12:45 PM Graduate Talks - Group 3
Digital Medias and Representation
Session Chair: Dr. Nikoli Attai (University of Toronto)
Moderator: Esra Kazanbas (WGSGSU)
The Woman in the Pack: Addressing Male Toxicity Through Play
in the Let’s Play Videos of Sssniperwolf
in the Let’s Play Videos of Sssniperwolf
Annie Harrisson, Concordia University
Blood and Vomit: Girlhood Trauma Cultures, Riot Grrrl, and Tumblr Poetry
Rachel Windsor, University of Toronto
Hindu Nationalism, News Channels and 'Post-Truth' Twitter: A Case Study of 'Love Jihad'
Zeinab Farokhi, University of Toronto
13:20 PM Q&A
13:25 PM Graduate Talks - Group 4
Identity Formations
Session Chair: Dr. Dina Georgis (University of Toronto)
Moderator: Darlyne Bautista (WGSGSU)
In Her Shoes: Irish Abortion Narratives as Affective Challenges to National Identity
Niamh White, York University
Black Speculative Fiction as a Praxis of Moten’s “Nothingness”:
Visions, Hallucinations, and Other Unpackings of Material Freedoms
Visions, Hallucinations, and Other Unpackings of Material Freedoms
Paige Grant, University of Toronto
On Rescuable and Expendable Life:
bioavailability, surplus time and queer politics of reproduction
bioavailability, surplus time and queer politics of reproduction
Ian Liujia Tian, University of Toronto
14:05 PM Q&A
14:15 PM Closing Remarks from Dr. Dina Georgis (WGSI Graduate Coordinator, U of T)